Benefits of co-working space for the startups!!

The developed economy and business-friendly policies of the Dubai government attract most of the budding entrepreneurs to set up a company in the country. Irrespective of the sector, Dubai is a hub for all and the businessmen get the maximum return on investment. Everything is perfect to start a business in Dubai but what matters is the initial investment of the entrepreneurs. The complete process includes additional steps in the planning if it is a startup company. The developed companies with no restriction on the capital can invest maximum to expand and open a branch but the same is not the condition with the startups. Irrespective of the business sector, the entrepreneurs need a location or physical presence in the market to operate so the primary expense is on the space. Space is required for functioning, accommodating the human resource, conducting professional meetings with the clients and many more. The private business accommodation might be expensive in the country so the most preferable option is the co-working space in Dubai. Though the company has to share the space which can be crowded at times, there are several other benefits that startups can enjoy in the co-working space. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Flexible and cost-effective– Purchasing or renting a private office increases the initial investment for the people as they have to arrange for everything like furniture, Wi-Fi connection, meeting room and many others which hamper the flexibility. The co-working space in Dubai arranges for everything which becomes cost-effective and the entrepreneurs have to only start the operation once they occupy the place. In the beginning, the businessmen have to identify and analyze the location so that they might switch the places.
  • Learning environment and increased opportunities – The co-working space means accommodation of several companies from different backgrounds and sectors in one place which implies working talented minds together. The working environment of the co-working space brings learning for the people and increases opportunities for them. The startup companies are always in the need of clients and nee merger along with unique which they can easily avail in shared space.
  • Additional facilities – Most of the co-working space in Dubai are located in the professional or corporate areas according to the requirement of the business people so it has all the additional benefits that are required to operate the business like meeting room, conference room, telecommunication service, parking and many others. The owners of the company do not have to worry about the employees that they hire for their company.
  • Security is the overall attraction – The location of the co-working space is mostly is the high-profile building which always requires security for safety. The companies occupying the space do not have to hire an individual security system when they are operating in the co-working space in Dubai.

Investment on the office space is a crucial decision for the entrepreneurs because the location of the company plays a major role in the profit of the business. To reduce the initial investment and build a positive impression on both customers and clients, the co-working space is a perfect choice. Renting a shared space in Dubai requires signing a contract so before taking the final decision, it is advised that people visit some locations and analyze the pros and cons of the same.

Virtual Office Dubai

What are the Benefits of the Virtual Office?

A virtual office is a great way to run businesses and office related activities without the overhead of a long lease and administrative control over employees. With a virtual office, employees can work from anywhere and have access to things like mailing addresses, phone answering services, and meeting rooms. Virtual offices operate as one unit to serve customers and do not exist in a fixed location. This type of set up is especially popular with startups and small businesses that want to minimize overhead and create web-based office productivity software and services like video conferencing that drive the growth in a virtual world.

A virtual office can also lead to greater productivity as its services are free from administrative tasks as well as commutes. When working in a virtual office each employee can work from the location according to his choice and employers can also hire people who live locally. More and more people find ways to work remotely, the benefits of a virtual office that are immediately noticeable. However, not everything is easy as it seems and some may find scheduling of virtual office space no less different than time-consuming scheduling conflicts inherent in a physical office.

UAE is the fastest growing economy where consumers today get their hands on a vast range of consumer goods and services. The UAE shopper is among the top spenders online and represents the biggest annual spend per online with growth projected through 2020 at 29.6 percent supported by visa transaction data, which shows that the UAE continues to maintain a healthy lead in average transaction size compared to both emerging and mature markets.

Virtual offices are cost-effective solutions and convenient when it comes to commute time and low on technology expenses. and lower overhead costs having remote workers to cut down on commute time, increases productivity and produce a lower rate. Therefore, Virtual offices have many benefits.

Benefits of Virtual office

  1. The usual office takes almost the whole day where you struggle with getting ready and traveling, but with a virtual office, you can save your time to help with productivity and making employees happy.
  2. According to a study, sitting at your desk for more than 11 hours a day increased your risk of death by more than 40 percent in the next three years regardless of other activity. It is important to stay active. A virtual office allows moving around more where employees are not chained to their desks.
  3. With a virtual office, you can gain access to be somewhere where you need to reach urgently. Some companies have offices in one location and some in somewhere else.
  4. Less overhead- When you function with a virtual office, there is no office lease, no utility payments, no hardware and no associated costs with having a brick and mortar space. All that savings can only be passed along to clients and affects your profit margin to invest more in your people.

You are an entrepreneur and looking for a virtual office with Dubai address, you can go to virtual office in UAE.

co-working space in Dubai

5 Essential Things to Consider When Choosing a Co-Working Space

It is a great idea to choose co-working space for startups and small business with a few employees. This provides you a plug-n-play office setup with all that a business needs for smooth and hassle-free operation.

Every business has unique needs and the way of working. Your office structure should support to meet your requirements while complementing your unique work approach. So when you are looking for co-working space, you are looking to find the right environment that spikes creativity, facilitates networking and supports professional growth. Here are some ways to make sure you choose the right space for your office setup.

Choose a Prime & Easily Accessible Location

Inner-city commuting can actually be not good for your mental and physical health, which has a huge impact on business productivity.

On the contrary, a central office location which is easy to access can be ideal for many people due to the convenience. Having an office in an easily accessible location also increase your chances of hiring good resources as everyone wants to work in an area well connected.

Look for What Are Offered to You

 After location, this is the most important thing to consider before choosing to rent a co-working space. Go through all the amenities and facilities offered, considering their benefits in helping you run your business profitably.

Also, you should check the plans, up-gradation choice, and policies. Friendly policies, ease of future expansion and flexible plans can help you maximize the return on your investment.

 Keep in Mind the Growth Factor in Future

Every business should have a future growth plan. You should keep this in mind when looking for co-working space. Make sure to choose a space for your office that can still serve your needs when your company grows in future.

A good co-working space should have sufficient meeting space that is fully enclosed with noise-proof glass cabins and all essentials such as ergonomic chairs and can expand to accommodate even a large meeting. 

Choose the Right Community

Well setup space equipped with world-class amenities and facilities is not the only criteria you should rely on when it comes to selecting co-working space.  Events, workshops, meetups and social harmony are factors that are crucial for employees to work with full proficiency and remain happy and elated.

In fact, this offers a gilded opportunity for collaborating networking. This is one of the big advantages and deciding factor for when selecting a co-working space.

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